Adiunkt w jednostce Zakład Socjologii Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej
Maria Zsögön
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Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Terminy konsultacji dla studentów
Dyżury semestr zimowy 2024/2025
Poniedziałek, godz. 13:30–14:30
Czwartek, godz. 12:00–13:00
Koordynowane przedmioty
2022Z - Children, Media and Technology 00-0F-CMT
2022Z - Diversity Forum 00-0F-DFO
2022Z - Human Rights 00-0F-HRI1
2022L - Human Rights and Korczak 00-0F-FRK
2022L - Intercultural Communication 20-FF-INC1
2022L - Media in Education 00-0F-MEE
2022Zn - Pedagogical Engeneering 00-0F-PEE
2022Ln - Media in Education 00-0F-MEE
2023Z - Managing Educational Facilities 00-0F-MEF
2023Z - Migrations Issues 00-0F-MIS
2023Z - The Issues of Contemporary Education: Social Stratification and Access to Education 00-0F-TIC
2023Zn - Children, Media and Technology 00-0F-CMT
2024L - Socjologia w praktyce SC-2S-SWP1
2024L - The Evolution of Childhood 00-FF-TEC
Prowadzone przedmioty
2021L - Againist Exclusion – Methodology of Educational and Social Work 00-FF-AEM:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2022Z - Diversity Forum. Interfaith Dialog and Education for Peace 00-FF-DIF:
Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2023Z - Digitality and Social Media in Education: Opportunities and Risks 00-0F-DSM:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Z - Storytelling. The Role of Fairy Tales and Folk Stories in Children’s Upbringing 00-0F-SRF:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Z - The Issues of Contemporary Education: Moderization and Economic Growth 00-0F-TIM:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Z - The Issues of Contemporary Education: Social Stratification and Access to Education 00-0F-TIC:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - An Introduction to Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies 00-FF-AIC:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1)
2023L - Family-School Partnership Childhood, Society & Social Cohesion 00-0F-FSC:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Higher Education – a Global Approach with Special Emphasis on History and Multiculturalism in Balkan Region 00-0F-HEG:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Higher Education, European Integration Security-Related Issues 00-0F-HEE:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Projektowanie działań na rzecz środowisk społecznych i ochrony przyrody PC-5F-PDR:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2), Ćwiczenia (grupa 3), Ćwiczenia (grupa 4)
2023L - Psychologiczne i pedagogiczne podstawy nauczania języka obcego na etapie wczesnej edukacji - 2 PW-5F-PJO2:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2), Ćwiczenia (grupa 3), Ćwiczenia (grupa 4), Ćwiczenia (grupa 5)
2023Zn - Storytelling. The Role of Fairy Tales and Folk Stories in Children’s Upbringing 00-0F-SRF:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1)
2023Zn - Use of New Technologies for Work with Children and Families 00-FF-UNT:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Zn - Use of New Technologies for Work with Children and Families. Examples from Outside of Poland 00-0F-UNT:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Ln - Higher Education – a Global Approach with Special Emphasis on History and Multiculturalism in Balkan Region 00-0F-HEG:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Ln - Higher Education, European Integration Security-Related Issues 00-0F-HEE:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)