Case studies: Fair ICT
Odrowąż-Coates Anna (2019). Historical politics, melted citizenship and education about Holocaust. INTERVIEW WITH JOLANTA ABROZEWICZ-JACOBS, Society Register, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 163-168, DOI: 10.14746/sr.2019.3.1.09
Odrowąż-Coates, Mariusz Baranowski (2018). Critical Thinking – Tightening the Link Between Business and Education, Forum Oświatowe, 2(60),117-133.
Odrowąż-Coates, A. (2017). Revisiting power and supremacy in the post-colonial world. Globalization as a refined phase of colonization. IN: A. Odrowaz-Coates,S. Goswami (eds.) Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts. A post-colonial critique. Warsaw 2017, pp. 13- 23.
Odrowąż-Coates, A. Is gender neutrality a post-human phenomenon? The concept of 'gender neutral' in Swedish education, Journal of Gender and Power, 3 (1) 2015, pp. 113- 133.
Odrowąż-Coates, A. Lessons on social justice: a pedagogical reflection on the
educational message of The Boxtrolls, Education as Change 2016, vol. 20 nr 2, pp. 67-85.
Do wyboru:
1. Ali A. H., The Caged Virgin, A Muslim Woman’s Cry for Reason, London 2006.
2. Ekern S. The modernizing bias of human rights: stories of mass killings and genocide in Central America. [w:] Journal Of Genocide Research [J Genocide Res] 2010; Vol. 12 (3-4), pp. 219-41.
3. Goutor D. A Different Perspective on the “Labor Rights as Human Rights” Debate: Organized Labor and Human Rights Activism in Canada, 1939-1952. [w:] Labor Studies Journal; Sep2011, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p408-427, 20p
4. Hobbs J.D., Pattalung P.N., Chandler R. C. Advertising Phuket's nightlife on the Internet: a case study of double binds and hegemonic masculinity in sex tourism. [w:] Sojourn (Singapore) 2011; Vol. 26 (1), pp. 80-104.
5. http://www.unicef.org/crc/index_30184.html
6. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/30/26/45583188.pdf
7. Jan G. K., Wahab A., Constitutional Evaluation of United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [w:] Gomal University Journal of Research. Jan2012, Vol. 28 Issue 1, pp. 88-96.
8. Jureidini R. Trafficking and contract migrant workers in the Middle East. [w:] International Migration (Geneva, Switzerland) [Int Migr] 2010; Vol. 48 (4), pp. 142-63.
9. Lee-Koo K. Horror and hope: (re)presenting militarised children in global North-South relations.[w:] Third World Quarterly [Third World Q] 2011; Vol. 32 (4), pp. 725-42.
10. Marx A., Goward S., Remote Sensing in Human Rights and International Humanitarian law monitoring : Concepts and Methods [w:] Geographical Review. Jan2013, Vol. 103 Issue 1, pp. 100-111.
11. Okudento S. Civil Society and National Human Rights Institutions. [w:] International Journal of Not-for- Profit Law. Dec2011, Vol. 13 Issue 4, pp. 5-52.
12. Torres-Ruiz A., HIV/AIDS and sexual minorities in Mexico: a globalized struggle for the protection of human rights, [w:] Latin American Research Review [Lat Am Res Rev] 2011; Vol. 46 (1), pp. 30-53.
13. Universal Declaration of Human Rights